Which Has A Better Edge: Full AI Chatbot Or A Combination Of AI & Human Live Chat?

AI and Human Bot service

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown itself to be an asset for businesses. Even in customer support online, the use of AI Chatbot has proven to increase leads, automate customer inquiries and streamline workflow at low budget. 

Going by the popular opinion below, 

  • 68% of consumers like chatbots because they provide quick answers. (Userlike)







  • AI-powered Chatbots are projected to handle 75-90% of healthcare & banking queries by 2022. (CNBC)

However, the question remains, has AI progressed enough that it can work independently without human intervention? Probably not. 

Livserv provides a hybrid model of AI and humans live chat options for any business in any industry setting up their online channels – websites or social media like Facebook, WhatsApp & more. 







Here are some features of Livserv that require humans and AI to go hand in hand. 

Live chat transfer

Livserv provides 24*7 customer support with the help of AI bots and human agents. Users can connect with the AI bot, and the human agents step in when they require human assistance. 

This mode helps in filtering out potential leads too. The live human agents can promptly transfer high-potential leads to business representatives in real-time. 

Filtering out high-potential leads from other inquiries or interactions requires humans. And using AI bots ensures that the customers get quick responses and reduces the agents’ workload. 

Facebook or WhatsApp integration

If the online business has ongoing marketing campaigns on Facebook/WhatsApp, LivServ can connect their live customer support module with the campaign. 

So, now if users have any queries about these campaigns, then the AI bots and live agents can both handle the queries efficiently. This way, visitors can ask their questions and get them answered quickly as possible. 

Online marketing campaigns suffer from ROI because of non-availability instant query resolution. Using Livserv’s hybrid module will ensure that the ROI on marketing campaigns are high and that most people can benefit from them. 

The availability of agents along with the chatbots proves to be crucial as the live agents can filter out genuine queries and forward them to the healthcare representative. 

Manage appointments and calls

Leads can connect to your business over a phone call also. The live agents can initiate a call between them. 

Furthermore, the inclusion of AI chatbot in medical or professional services industry can make booking and rescheduling appointments easy. It makes the process hassle-free and quick. 

Analyzing user data

The hybrid model collects statistics like city, country, date, IP address, and so on during the chat sessions. This information is further helpful for businesses as they can study the trends and make crucial marketing decisions. 

In the e-commerce sector, the use of AI can help humans analyze buying trends, understand their customer’s buying tendencies and help personalize the process for them and retain customers. Now, here AI can help you explore the data. However, the decisions after that require humans.  

Try Livserv for free. Get 14-day trial to integrate Livserv hybrid chat module to your website or social media pages and get only hot leads to follow!

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