Livserv’s Interactive Support Team Helps Increase Brand Loyalty

Today, customers want to interact with brands that provide more than just products or services. They want to interact with a brand that can also give them better customer service and meaningful resolution to their inquiries. 

If companies can go the extra mile and provide them with exceptional customer experience, it increases brand loyalty. 

Here’s where an interactive support team comes into play. Let’s explore how. 

When do Customers Interact with a Business? 

Customers are not limiting themselves only to the purchase of a product or service but also actively browsing for details, looking for information on the latest offers or deals, and likewise. 

We have split the customer interaction journey with a business into four phases: 

  • Awareness: when a customer is looking for some new product or service they found out about. 
  • Consideration: In this phase, the customer is researching your as well as your competitor’s business to find out which one will work best for them. In this phase, they can have questions related to how your service or product is better than that of the competitors. 
  • Acquisition: In this phase, the customer has made the decision to stay with your business. Now, they can interact with the support team for concerns related to onboarding. 
  • Experience: Here, customers can have concerns related to how to use the service or product, etc. 

Smart use of an interactive support system that combines chatbot functionality and human agents is the need of the hour. 

How Does LivServ’s Hybrid Chat System help? 

Livserv is not a ticketing solution but instead offers Human-as-a-Service along with dedicated live chat software. 

Our hybrid chat system handles interactions and is a combination of AI and human agents which prospects the leads and forward the most potential leads to you in real-time. 

Customers connect with the chatbots when they have a query. Then, after interacting with the customers, the chatbots can create a lead profile. After finding out the type of query they have, the bots can transfer to the human agent (trained for businesses by Livserv) to handle a particular type of query. 

This way, one human agent will sort out similar queries, reduce the response time significantly and provide quick answers. 

This is a typical interactive support team at play. 

So, that is how LivServ’s hybrid chat system serves as an interactive support team that can enhance customer service and eventually builds brand loyalty. 

Take your 14-day free trial to learn more about the product!


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