WhatsApp On Healthcare Websites For Better Appointment Management And Patient Experience

Recently, with the advancement of AI chatbots, healthcare companies, and medical organizations are using them to provide the best service for their patients and customers. 

Effective healthcare chatbots can help solve some of the issues that customers frequently encounter when dealing with healthcare brands and organizations, including frequent delays, a lack of individualized attention, ineffective patient service, and a disconnect between the online and offline experience.

Chat support providers like LivServ also integrate these chatbots with WhatsApp as well for better patient experience and appointment management. Here’s how.

     1. Enhances accessibility

Today almost everyone regularly uses WhatsApp as a source of communication. It has become second nature to use it to contact someone. And this makes it one of the most easily accessed platforms by many. 

Therefore, many small and large businesses are making use of it to keep in contact with their patients. And that is what the healthcare industry is doing now too. With integrating chat support on WhatsApp, patients can easily contact the hospital for appointment management

They can send automated replies to customers and patients over the world. For example, if there is a new price for a treatment plan or so, healthcare professionals can send it across WhatsApp using LivServ chat support. They can also easily keep in touch with their patients. 

They can schedule and reschedule their appointments on WhatsApp. Here, human agents or hospital staff will not have to worry about appointments as the chatbots will take care of these automated processes. 

     2. Instantaneously answer concerns

LivServ’s live chat services are available 24*7. This means patients can ask their queries anytime they want. The chatbots will handle some of the repeated queries and provide an answer instantaneously. If it is a unique query, then the around-the-clock available human agents can take over. 

They can also connect the patients with the hospital staff as and when necessary. And then medical professionals can contact them as soon as possible. Moreover, healthcare practitioners can also conduct online consultations through LivServ features in matters of emergency

     3. Provide better patient follow-ups

One of the main concerns medical professionals have is that once patients have completed procedures or treatments, it is difficult to take follow-ups later. It is tough to get people to come in for regular checkups and keep their appointments. Not only does reminding patients and handling the follow-ups increase lot of work for the staff, but it also hinders patient care. 

So, models like LivServ chat can assist healthcare professionals in providing healthcare over the phone. They can automate the process of sending reminders for appointments, medicines, and so on. It can reduce the hassles of reminding patients of appointments. Moreover, they can also provide counseling and consultation over the phone if it is not possible for patients to come to the hospital. 

Having a hybrid model of chatbots and human agents like that of LivServ strives to improve patient care and reduce errors due to delay and lack of personalized attention.

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