Integrate Live Chat With CRM To Recognize & Capture Visitors As Leads To Drive Sales

The moment you end up shopping anything from Amazon, the customer relationships management (CRM) software automatically creates an order, forward shipping details, sends personalized notifications even after days of purchase, and eventually convinces you to come back for more. 

Live chat is the final piece of any jigsaw puzzle to complete CRM integration while CRM synchronizes customer data across channels and creates a 360-degree view of customer data to drive sales and revenue. 

Integrating live chat into a website or social media channel is the first of many steps toward building a customer journey. Whereas integrating live chat with your CRM will ensure prospects who initiate a chat session on your website are captured as leads.

What Does CRM Integration Mean? 

CRM integration is a planned marketing & sales initiative to develop & deliver exceptional customer experiences via digital channels. It combines business processes and systems that move the customer through the lifecycle like 

  • creating orders when products are purchased, 
  • sending relevant & personalized notifications to customers, 
  • shipping products via logistics, 
  • booking revenue and more. 

Picking chatbot CRM integration or CRM chat with live agents or both

It’s a no-brainer that customers prefer chats over any other channels like emails. The dilemma arises in choosing the right type of live interaction options such as human agents or AI-powered chatbots. 

We recommend to ask yourself these questions before integrating live chat with CRM:  

  • Will the workflow efficiency improve with CRM chat integration? 
  • Is adding a chat to CRM software sufficient to keep the customer data synced at all times?

The most effective way to leverage chats is to combine the power of chatbots and live human agents. LivServ offers a cost-effective hybrid interaction solution that automates conversations using chatbots while most potential leads are transferred to human agents in real-time for better engagement. 

Combining this hybrid chat feature with a CRM of your choice can automate the sales process, and lead generation while producing highly personalized client interactions which eventually convert into sales & increase revenue. 

How you may ask? Proceed to the next section. 

Benefits of LivServ & Integrating Live Chat with CRM

LivServ, a leading live chat tool, can capture website or any other channel visitors as leads when connected to your CRM. 

91% of companies with over 10 employees have CRM systems in place. CRM chat integrations are most useful for businesses in healthcare, education, legal, hospitality & wellness, or travel industries. 

Here are some of the benefits of CRM with chatbots or live chat modules from LivServ:

  • Customer Targeting: Chatbot CRM integration easily captures contact information and conversation history so businesses can engage with those leads in a more personalized way. 
  • Quickly solving customer queries: Businesses can enhance their customer support as up-to-date customer profiles and past chat transcripts are provided to the agents, sales representatives, or anyone who engages with customers.
  • With CRM live chat integration, support teams like live agents and company experts can collaborate in real-time more efficiently and solve queries much faster. 
  • Establishing Brand Loyalty: CRM chat integration is a faceless way to ensure your brand is gaining customer trust and loyalty. 

Let us help you with the customized live chat modules to integrate with CRM modules so that you can maximize your ROI and track new opportunities!

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