How Omni Channel Integration Helps Customer Service And Lead Management

integrate chat window in CRM

Businesses operate on various platforms today. That means their customers interact with them on various platforms like websites, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.  

Now, with all these channels, companies can find it difficult to deliver a consistent customer experience. We have analyzed that businesses that provide live chat support and sponsored social media advertisements are more likely to engage prospective leads. 

After all, 79% of customers say that they prefer to live chat because of the immediacy it provides. 

Here is how LivServ’s Omni channel integration helps with customer service and lead management. 

1. Increase customer loyalty

LivServ omnichannel integration provides a seamless experience for the customers. When all the channels work together, it points customers in one direction. Centralization and data integration gives your business a unique voice that caters to customers’ individual needs. 

When customers can find exactly what they are looking for, they start trusting the brand, and that increases their loyalty to the business. 

Here’s where LivServ omnichannel integration comes in. 

2. Opportunity to interact with the business anywhere

Customers like to have multiple options for platforms to interact with businesses. 

With the increasing use of smartphones every day, customers are inclined to use in-app chat, email support, live chat, social media, and other channels as well. Moreover, they like to have a consistent experience, no matter their platform. 

That’s where LivServ omnichannel integration comes in.

Moreover, omnichannel integration is a boon for the support teams as well. Without the integration, it is tough for them to manage queries and information from separate channels at once. But now, they can have a quick response time and can promote self-service. All in all, it makes the entire process quicker and significantly saves time and resources. 

3. Businesses can cater to a diverse audience

Not everyone uses the same channels. 

So, when businesses are present on different channels, they can interact with more existing and potential customers on a large scale. They won’t have to miss out on a customer base simply because they are not active on different platforms. 

When businesses give more options for engagement, it enhances the customer experience while also increasing the number of customers. 

LivServ provides WhatsApp, Facebook, and other integration to maintain an omnichannel presence. 

4. Targetting leads

Segmenting leads and making them a part of targeted campaigns proves to be more effective for businesses. 

With an omnichannel presence, businesses can run targeted campaigns on a larger scale. Moreover, omnichannel campaigns prove to be significantly more effective at converting the audience than single-channel campaigns. 

By integrating various channels, the support team can quickly sort through high-quality leads from the rest and immediately take action on it. 

5. Personalized customer experience

A buying experience starts from awareness about the product and ends at purchases. Personalizing the customer’s journey across several platforms creates a unique and tailor-made experience that caters to the needs of each lead. 

Personalized experience increases the chances of costumes buying a product. It also increases customer satisfaction.

So, these are some ways in which omnichannel integration helps businesses with customer service and lead management. LivServ provides omnichannel integration as well so that customers can reach your business from any platform. They can avail of all your services without leaving the current platform, making it easier to interact with your business.

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