Target HOT Leads Only With Dedicated Live Chat

Nowadays, 79% of customers prefer live chat to any other communication medium on a website.

Therefore, it must be something which every online business should have.

But, when all that a Live Chat tool does is deliver visitor information to your CRM for further follow-up, what are leading Live Chat providers doing differently? 

Sales teams across businesses have constraints over their budget. They are supposed to pick prospective leads and not fight the entire lead conversion war! 

The leads are cold, warm, or hot. The issue arises in identifying the prospective leads. 

While Cold Leads have no idea what your business is, investing your in-house resources in chatting with them and explaining your products/services will only drain the sales budget. 

We even have a category called Warm Leads who have engaged with your content on social media. They have an idea of who you are but want more engagement before conversion. 

It is again a red flag for your sales team as interacting and engaging with them do not guarantee conversions. 

Hot Leads are different. They’re already interested and looking for a slight nudge to convert. 

Ideally, the entire focus of your in-house sales team must be on such Hot Leads. 

But how to search for a needle in the haystack? 

What is Live Chat or Live Interaction Support

Live chat is an online communication app that enables you and your website visitors to chat in real-time.

Live chat customer service management is a great alternative to phone calls or emails. All you or your visitors need to do is to type the message inside the chatbox and send it. 

At Livserv, we refer to the Live Chat tool as a Live Interaction Support team. 

Usually, our Live Chat Interaction Support Team is tasked with: 

  • Conversational AI greets and filters your online site visitors. 
  • Warm leads get transferred to dedicated 24/7 live chat agents for prospecting. 

You can use Livserv’s Live Chat Interaction Support Team on websites or any social media channels like WhatsApp, or Facebook to instantly connect with your leads. 

Live Chat Transfer on Livserv 

Like leading Live Chat providers, Livserv differentiates itself with features like Live Chat Transfer or Call Connect

For any high Hot Leads that require immediate special assistance, the Livserv’s live chat agent can transfer the same to your sales team while they are still online. Our live chat agent can even patch calls to your sales team upon request from the lead. 

All these are happening in real-time and in the same live chat session as if Livserv is your front office desk! 

We invite you to try Livserv on your website for free. Get it today!

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